Request a Return (UK)

We hope you love the item you have purchased. If you are not perfectly satisfied, you may return it within 14 days of the delivery date. 

However different vendors/designers have their own exchange and refund policy which is listed under each item.

To return an item, you must meet all the Return Conditions below:

  • Items should be returned new, unused, unwashed and with all garment tags attached to them. Loose tags or broken tags will not be accepted for a refund. It must also be in the original pouch and packing provided. Items that appear worn or used will not be refunded and returned to the customer.
  • The original invoice will be emailed to you. Without that, the item will not be accepted for returns.
  • Made-to-order and bespoke items of clothing, as well as accessories, do not qualify for returns or cancellations.
  • Please note that due to hygiene pierced jewellery is non-refundable.